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Time-sheets report

You’ll learn all about how to compile time sheet reports in HoorayHR.

Nadja avatar
Written by Nadja
Updated over 9 months ago

Hooray offers administrators and team leaders timereports to get a full grip on your company or team. Do you want to know how much time was logged? How much time off in lieu was compensated, the amount of hours you need to pay or how many hours were logged without compensation? Easy-peasy!


Every report presents insights on 3 business levels. Administrators have can view all employees and teams. Team leaders only get to see the information directly relevant to them.


Colleagues - The number of active users.

You’ll see how many active employees there are at a glance.

Overtime can be compensated in three ways: time off in lieu, by paying these hours or no compensation.

No compensation hours

The amount of approved time that is not compensated.

Time off in lieu

The amount of approved hours compensated by time off in lieu. ‘Time off in lieu’ are hours are added to the annual leave allowance.

Pay out hours

The amount of approved hours that are compensated by paying them out. Hours to be payed out still have to be processed by the payroll administration.

Paid out hours

The amount of approved hours that have already been paid out.


All overviews are set to this year by default. Do you want to view data from a specific period? You can use the filter and navigation buttons to jump through the different periods.


Do you want to export the overview of a certain period? Then click the Excel icon after retrieving the overview you want to export.

More reports

Curious about HoorayHR's other reports? Read more here.

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