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Sick leave report

You’ll learn all about how to compile sick leave reports in HoorayHR.

Nadja avatar
Written by Nadja
Updated over 9 months ago

Hooray offers administrators and team leaders reports to get a full grip on your company or team. Do you want to know how many notifications of absence exist? Or want to know which team has the highest percentage of absenteeism? Easy-peasy!


Each report presents insights at 3 business levels. Administrators have full visibility across all colleagues and teams. Team leaders only see the data of their own team(s).


Colleagues - the number of active colleagues

The number of colleagues shown in this report.

Items - the number of absence absenteeism

Absence reports are all reports that fall within the selected date range. These include both sick and better reported absences.

Hours of sick leave - The number of hours of absence

The number of hours of absence is calculated based on the employee's work schedule. For reports still reported as sick, the current date is used as the return date.

Hours in work schedule - The number of hours to be worked

The number of hours to be worked is calculated based on the employee's work schedule. This number shows all work schedule hours falling within the selected date range, excluding holidays or mandatory days off.

% Absenteeism - The absenteeism rate

Based on the number of hours of absence and the number of hours to be worked, the absence percentage is calculated. An example: someone who was sick for 8 hours in a 40-hour week has an absenteeism rate of 20% that week (hours of absenteeism / hours in work schedule * 100).


All overviews are set to this year by default. Do you want to view data from a specific period? You can use the filter and navigation buttons to jump through the different periods.


Do you want to export the overview of a certain period? Then click the Excel icon after retrieving the overview you want to export.

More reports

Curious about HoorayHR's other reports? Read more here.

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