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Add employee details to their profile

How do you add employee details to their profile and what do you need to pay attention to? We’ll help you do it!

Nadja avatar
Written by Nadja
Updated over 2 years ago

All employee details are gathered in their online personnel file. Retrieving employee data will be a piece of cake, both for the empoyee and the administrator. All details you can enter for employees are outlined below:

  1. Go to “My profile” in the deep blue menu on the left.

  2. Then click “Profile” below your avatar. Here you’ll find an overview of your personal details.

  3. If you haven’t uploaded a photo yet, you can do this by clicking “Edit” on your avatar. Select a nice picture.

  4. You can now start filling out the following details:


  • Change your e-mail address which you use to log in to HoorayHR.

  • You can change your language settings (English or Dutch)


  • You can enter your first name and last name

  • Add your position in the company

  • You can write an introduction under “Bio”.


  • Enter your phone number

  • Enter your date of birth

Address details

  • Here you can enter your address details. This one speaks for itself :)

Emergency contacts

  • Enter the contact details of the person that can be called in an emergency, so your team leader knows who to contact when the situation arises.

Extra information

  • Here you can enter your allergies so they can be taken into account.

Everything up to date? Hit “Save” at the top right. Your profile is ready now.

We’d like to give you a tip! There are some details that you cannot enter yourself in your profile. These can only be changed by the administrator of the HoorayHR account. It involves the following details:

  • Bank details

  • Citizen service number

  • Date of employment

  • Termination of employment date (last day at work). We hope this one doesn’t apply to you ;)

  • The team that you are assigned to can only be created by the administrator.

Do you want to edit your employees’ profiles as an administrator? Take the following steps:

  1. Go to “Colleagues”.

  2. Select the colleague you want to edit the profile of.

  3. Click “Profile”.

  4. Now you’ll be accessing their profile overview (as described above but with more details only accessible to administrators) and be able to add things or make changes.

  5. Everything up to date? Hit the “Save” button. Now your employee’s profile is ready.

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