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Setting work schedules

In this article we’ll explain how to set employee schedules in line with the annual leave allowance

Nadja avatar
Written by Nadja
Updated over a week ago

When getting started with HoorayHR, one of the first steps to take is making sure the employee’s schedules are set correctly. Based on these company settings and the set amount of contract hours (FTE), we calculate the annual leave allowance automatically. You can always change this. By putting these settings in place you keep an eye on office occupancy and know who is at work on what day.

After the company settings have been set correctly, you can set each employee’s schedule separately because they don’t always work the same amount of hours and on the same days. Below we have outlined what you can do to complete the each employee’s schedule.

  1. Go to “Colleagues

  2. Select the right employee from the overview, or add a new employee first by clicking “Add colleague

  3. Click “Employment” in your colleague’s profile.

  4. If no schedule has been added yet, click “Add schedule”. When a schedule is already in place, click “To schedule” to view and edit the current one.

  5. Edit the schedule as you have agreed upon. It’s also possible to add multiple schedules for different periods in time. This is an ideal option for employees who have been working 32 hours a and are transitioning to start working 36 hours.

  6. For each working day you can set whether and the number of hours an employee works. You have to enable/disable the day itself as well.

Optional: When an employee is working different hours of fewer days every other week, you can adjust the work schedule by clicking “Next week is different”.

  1. The annual leave allowance are automatically entered into the system for employees working full-time, based on the company settings. When you have a different agreement with an employee about this you can change it manually.

  2. When you have filled out everything, click “Save”.

  3. The automatic calculation of the annual leave allowance will be shown at the bottom of the page.

Zero-hours contract or freelancer?

We have a separate functionality for employees working on a zero-hours contract and freelancers.

  1. You can switch on the “Casual worker contract” mode for this.

  2. Set start and end dates for the schedule*.

  3. For the current week, enter the availability and amount of hours per day.

  4. Click save to activate this schedule.

*You can create multiple schedules. For each work schedule you can set from when and until when they apply, which days are being worked and how many hours per day.

Based on the generated schedules availabilities are displayed on the dashboard, in the calendar and even in the calendar integrations with e.g. Google and Microsoft 365.

Negative annual leave allowance

On-call employees don’t have permanent contract hours (per week). The big difference between your permanent employees and on-call employees is that on-call employees don’t build up an (statutory and exceeding the statutory) annual leave allowance. So when an on-call employee happens to be working on holidays and compulsory days off, a negative annual leave allowance might be created. You can visit the leave report to see how this has been created.

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