You can give your employees study or educational leave for training and courses. It often depends per company how training days are given to employees. Sometimes a fixed number of days per year, sometimes in proportion to the work schedule, but also an unlimited budget is possible (this way you can judge per request whether it may be approved).
Go to setting explanation
Haven't created the leave type yet? Read how to do this here. Below we discuss how you can configure the leave type settings to your liking.
Leave allowance
Unused hours
Settings / General
In the General section, give the leave type its own name (1) and choose the display style (2). Do you want newly added colleagues to be automatically assigned this leave type? Then check the box for automatic assignment (3).
Settings / Budget
Calculation type
In the standard template for study and training leave, we choose to give 40 hours per year in proportion to the hours in the work schedule. If an employee works part-time, this is taken into account when calculating the budget.
You can also adjust this to a one-time fixed budget (if you want to give everyone the same budget), an unlimited budget (then you can judge per request whether the leave may be approved) or even a percentage of hours worked.
Standard leave allowance (only in pro rata work schedule)
Here you set how many hours of budget are to be accrued and how often this budget may be allocated. The budget you enter applies per full-time employment, the actual budget is then calculated based on the work schedule the employee. Good to know: This is a default budget, you can adjust the number of hours per employee later.
Example: If you want to give 5 study and training days per year and a workday is 8 hours, enter (5 x 8 =) 40 hours per year here.
Moment of releasing budget (only if "pro rata work schedule")
Here you set when the budget may be added to the employee's leave budget. By default, the budget is set here to be released at the beginning of each year.
Settings / Unused hours
Here you set up when the unused hours expire (hours that haven't been used by the end of the year). You can choose to have the unused hours:
never to expire, so they can be added onto the next year every year
expire at the end of the year, so that they cannot be taken into the next year
expire within a certain time, so they can still be taken into the next year, but they will expire anyway at a certain moment depending on the time frame.
Study and training leave expires by default at the end of the year, so it cannot be carried over to next year.
Settings / Advanced
Automatic approval
If you want leave requests to be automatically approved by the system, select this option. You then specify up to how many hours (per request) can be automatically approved.
Hide name of leave type in calendar
By default, all colleagues can see in the calendar what type of leave someone is on. Convenient, then you know if someone is on vacation, or on maternity leave, for example. If you do not want colleagues to be able to see this for this leave type, select this option. The employee who is on leave is then listed as "not present" in the calendar - without indicating which type of leave.
Offset mandatory days off
If you have set mandatory days off for your employees (in the feature "holidays"), select this option to offset those days against the leave budget of this leave type.
It is common to select this option only for the leave type "Holidays". In fact, mandatory days off are then deducted from the holidays.
Please note that if someone has two leave types assigned with this option checked, the mandatory days off will be deducted from both budgets.
Assigning leave to employees
When you have finished setting up the leave type rules, click "Save." After that, you can assign the leave type to your colleagues. Read more about assigning leave types here.