What can administrators do?
Administrators have full rights for all employees. They manage integrations, company settings, colleagues, and all items such as leave requests, expense claims, and labels. Typically, this role is fulfilled by the employer, office manager, or HR employee.
Making a colleague an administrator
First, add the colleague to HoorayHR. Then, in the employee’s personnel file under "Settings," you can change the user rights and set the role to 'Administrator.'
Administrator rights for specific features
You can also grant administrator rights for specific features to other employees, which is useful for roles such as office managers or financial employees. More information about this can be found here.
Overview of all roles and rights
In the company settings under 'User rights,' you can find a complete overview of all access rights within your organization. Here, you can see exactly which colleagues have access and who holds team leader or administrator rights, and you can make changes directly from this section.
Note: There must be at least one administrator in an environment. An administrator has the rights to create users and teams, among other things.