HoorayHR sends smart notifications to inform and remind all colleagues responsible for a task.
Notifications for employees cannot be disabled.
New task or workflow
When a workflow is activated, all colleagues assigned one or more tasks will receive a notification. Tasks in locked sections are not included.
When a section is activated (manually or automatically), all colleagues assigned one or more tasks will receive a notification.
When you assign someone as the workflow manager, they will receive a notification.
Changes to an active workflow
When you add a new task or change the person responsible in an active workflow, the colleague will receive a notification immediately.
When you update the deadline of one or more tasks in an active workflow, the relevant colleagues will receive a notification immediately.
Seven days and one day before a task's deadline, the relevant colleagues will receive a reminder notification.
If one or more tasks in a workflow are overdue, the workflow manager will receive a notification.
Section is completed
When the last task in a section is completed, the workflow manager will receive a notification.
Related keywords: workflow, workflows, notification, alert, reminder, responsible, workflow manager.